Peter Otieno Data Analysis|Data Science|Business Intelligence|DataViz

Jupyterlab ipyleaflet leaflet.js tutorial

Leaflet.js using the python package ipyleaflet (Kenya maps)

This project is a tutorial on leaflet.js using Jupyter notebooks through the ipyleaflet package/library

Github repository for the tutorial

The maps are kenyan maps rendered using leaflet.js through the python package ipyleaflet: image sholud go here

Getting Started


Be running Jupyter. I use the anaconda installer:

You’ll also need to install the library listed below, if you don’t have it


You can also follow instructions at:

You can install it using pip like this

Windows: As admin open the anaconda prompt and run

pip install ipyleaflet


sudo -H pip install ipyleaflet

or, if you have both python2 and 3 and need to install it with

sudo -H pip3 install ipyleaflet



  • To Pondi Brian and Wanjohi Kibui my GIS mentors.