Peter Otieno Data Analysis|Data Science|Business Intelligence|DataViz


The raison d’etre of the Data Nomad blog is: A home for data musings of noobs, progressors and experts involved in the data ecosystem. In this blog, I will be sharing relevant and practical information. I will also share with you jobs, news and resources related to the data ecosystem. This is blog will always be changing because I am. You are. The world is.

“Give me a place to stand and I will move the world” Archimedes - Greek Physicist, Mathematician and philosopher.

What I will publish represent my views. You more than welcome to respond, add comments and suggestions. Even constructively disagree. With one caveat: Keep our comments relevant to the conversations taking place here so that we can maintain respect for all those involved and add value and depth to the discussion.

I moderate comments and will remove any that are offensive, disrespectful or irrelevant. Keep it clean. That means that if you simply come by to advertise your irrelevant website or spam, your comment will be deleted. However, if you truly want to add to the conversation and engage, then I welcome your perspective.

Please don’t post any private information as this a public forum. I might repost your comments and/or try to reach you to add more depth to the discussion.

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I encourage you to visit and follow, subscribe, like and watch all our social media links engage in discussion and learn about us, what’s on offer and who we are. And, do feel free to contact us for more information.

Thank you for reading and visiting and being part of the Data Nomad conversation.


Peter Akworo

Data Nomad.

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